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Asian product offer in concentrated form: Asia-Pacific Sourcing

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Just short of 600 exhibitors have already registered for the fifth Asia-Pacific Sourcing, due to be held in Cologne from 3 - 5 March 2013. At the last event in this series two years ago, 578 exhibitors were represented. This shows that it is again on track towards achieving a leading position among the European sourcing fairs in 2013, in the opinion of Koelnmesse. “The Asia-Pacific Sourcing brings together in concentrated form the product ranges of the growth markets in Asia and the rising demand from Europe and North American – and the location is Cologne!” explains Katharina C. Hamma, managing director of Koelnmesse. The international visitors come from garden and DIY stores, hyper­markets and discounters, as well as wholesalers, import/export firms and mail-order businesses. They are being offered a portfolio of products from the areas of tools, locks and fittings, hardware and fastenings, plus garden tools and equipment, displayed over an exhibition space of 24 000 m². There will again be a “Best of China” special display area in 2013. More than 100 products from over 40 Chinese companies were entered for selection at the premiere in 2011. The China National Hardware Association (CNHA) is responsible for allocation of the 50 places available on this special area. The CNHA’s partner is Koelnmesse China. Download:
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