DIY plus

Compactly presented concept

The German company Westag & Getalit has opted for a new marketing concept as a means of tapping into more potential markets for its DIY segment
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Geta-DIY, the DIY retail marketing division of Westag & Getalit, intends to offer lasting proof of its professionalism by means of a full range of innovative products, a high degree of product availability, rapid delivery, carefully targeted communication and intelligent presentational concepts. At the heart of the company's operation are two product lines, Geta-Elemente and Geta-Door.All the additional measures that have now been undertaken within the framework of further developing the marketing and distribution concept which was already well established in the marketplace, are individually tailored to these two product areas. The intention is, on the one hand, to provide a back-up for DIY store staff and improve their proficiency in terms of advising customers, and the goal on the other hand is to present the products more dramatically at the POS from the customer's point of view.Geta-Door aims to bring across the topic of doors, frames and styles of living through the emotions, with the help of large 3-D photos (1 985 mm x 860 mm) that are faithful to the original and are linked to detailed product descriptions, which together replace the actual products at the POS. The in-store approach of Geta-Elemente, too, is based on the company's proficiency in solving problems, whether it is a question of worktops, windowsills, alcove cladding or accessories. Geta-DIY's sales philosophy puts the end-consumer centre-stage of all its activities. Large displays built to scale and utilising the actual décor demonstrate the various cutting possibilities offered in timber departments, e.g. bevelling, rounding off, cut-outs in Getalit's HPL worktops for sinks or stoves. As the company explains, this new style of approaching customers can lead to the creation of needs, and so result in selling more services at the POS. Easily understood descriptions of the services on offer are displayed in the timber department as a summary of the particular situation.A new addition to the programme is a collection of worktops in twelve different patterns with the focus on dark wood, stone or concrete decors and high-gloss finishes. A sample display module complete with back and lighting is available for a heavy-duty racking unit.
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