DIY plus

Fit for Europe

The escalating internationalisation of the DIY and home improvement chains demands transnational distribution structures of the manufacturers. Marley is rising to this challenge with an effective distribution strategy and a clearly defined core range of products for the continent of Europe
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Only those who push ahead with the development of innovative products will protect and consolidate the market position of their company in the longer term. This is why Marley, a leading manu-facturer of products for the DIY and home improvement market, is constantly optimising its product offer and expanding it by the addition of lines that are wholly geared to the requirements of DIYers. “Our aim is to have totally satisfied customers,” says Stephan Dörr-schuck, sales and marketing manager of Marley Germany. This means both end-consumers and the company’s trading partners. Marley takes into account the demands of converging markets and the cross-border activities of the company’s customers by means of offering a European assortment. “We have checked which ranges are required in which markets, then defined a core range covering some 2 300 articles,” explains Dörrschuck. “This has resulted in a clear gain of influence and power for us, so that we are now the partner of choice for nearly all the DIY retailers operating in Europe.” What is more, as a rule the customers operating internationally have only one central listing and one supplier to manage. Nevertheless, as Dörrschuck continued, regional and local peculiarities have not lost out, nor have any necessary standardization or certification requirements. This is because Marley’s strong points include a sound knowledge of the European markets, especially in central and eastern Europe. “Since we are already represented by companies from the Aliaxis Group with many regional clients in these countries, for example the Balkans, we are familiar with the conditions prevailing there. We pass this knowledge on to our clients as they continue to expand into these markets.” Dörrschuck also stressed that Marley’s trading partners, too, were benefiting from his company’s logistical strength. “We can report that more than 97 per cent of the annual total of some 120 000 orders are carried out to the complete satisfaction of our customers, whether in Finland or far away in Turkey.” Production is carried out where the manufacturing expertise for each product is greatest. For instance, folding doors are made exclusively in Hungary, whereas the company at the Wunstorf headquarters concentrates entirely on drainage and ventilation systems, plus solutions in plastic.  Marley Germany GmbH… …was founded in 1952 as a subsidiary of the British Marley group of companies. Since 2003 the supplier of products for building and…
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