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“I can only do branded or premium”

Interview with Martin Bertinchamp, chairman of the advisory board at Compo, following the sale of the enterprise to a private equity company
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How did last season go? 2011 was a satisfactory year, sales were up on 2010, which means well above € 400 mio overall, and above € 195 mio in the consumer segment. A major role is played by Germany here. We experienced hefty double-digit growth, especially in the category of pest control. But even when it came to traditional products like potting compost we managed an increase. Fertilizers remained at the previous year’s level But isn’t pest control the smallest category? Still. But it is also the category with the strongest rates of growth. We have ambitious goals: to see double-digit growth in this field every year. How was progress in the regions? We saw growth in the DACH region (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) in general, as well as in France. The rest remained more or less stable. Compo is definitely underrepresented in eastern Europe and this is precisely one of the goals that we have defined for the next few years: to push ahead with the business in keynote markets, in Poland and Russia above all. So your strategy is aimed towards becoming more international? Exactly. Our strategy is made up of three elements: innovation, internationalisation and process efficiency. We don’t believe that we can make the enterprise more valu­able simply by cost cutting. A strong branded company must be defined by its products and innovations. But Compo is not known for not being innovative. Which is true. However, the focus on innovation has weakened somewhat in recent years. And one thing above all: we must talk more about what we are doing in the way of innovating. We are going to aim our marketing more towards the innovative side from 2013 on. We simply have to establish the brand more firmly in the mind set of consumers. Good service also belongs on the list. What does your market research say to that? It is not that there is a negative trend. Equally, it is not that Compo has outstanding results either. I can do either branded or premium. Since I’m in charge here at present I’m trying to duplicate what I have done successfully in the past. Will there be any change in positioning? We must continue to sharpen our positioning, but it will remain in the premium segment. We’ll try to recharge the brand through innovations that are due to come on the market in 2013. These include an innovation in the area of potting compost. I believe it is really important to work on new ideas in this traditional segment again. Could you please tell us something about the change…
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