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Positive balance for Batimat

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Batimat, the international building trade fair held in Paris, recorded a drop of only nine per cent in attendance figures. Which is a good result compared with other international exhibitions, which have been forced to take decreases of up to 22 per cent as a result of the events of 11 September. Altogether 456 820 visitors congregated at Paris-Expo’s Porte de Versaille exhibition site between 5 and 10 November.
An initial analysis by the fair organisers, which also represents the opinion of the exhibitors, makes it clear that a high-powered class of visitors was to be encountered at Batimat. It was in particular the great number of innovative products on display that enabled the fair to substantiate its reputation as the showcase of the international building and construction industry and thereby come up to the expectations of the experts in the field. With this year’s total of 73 594 foreign visitors, or 16 per cent of the overall attendance figure, the event once again lived up to its claim to be the world’s rendezvous for experts in the building trade.
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