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Positive performance by laminate flooring

According to statistics compiled by the EPLF, over 400 mio m² of laminate flooring was sold throughout the world in 2004

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Member companies of the Bielefeld-based European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF e.V.) are most satisfied with the growth of their market over the past year: the level of sales achieved by the EPLF members in 2004 was exceptionally good. The overall sales volume for the year, projected from the association’s internal figures, shows major growth in laminate flooring sales in Europe, which reinforces the EPLF’s leading position within the world market. The sales projection is based on actual figures for the first three quarters of 2004, adjusted by a factor that takes into account the strength of the final quarter in the previous year.
EPLF members' sales within Western Europe 2004(.pdf download)
The 22 EPLF member companies achieved worldwide sales of 417 mio m² of laminate flooring “made in Europe” in 2004 (386 mio m² in 2003). This represents an increase of 31 mio m² in the amount produced in Europe by the EPLF members (+ 8 per cent) and translates into a world market share of almost 60 per cent for the EPLF member companies. Western Europe, which is traditionally the strongest sales area for the EPLF members, accounted for growth of 25 mio m² (+10 %) to 252 mio m² (2003: 227 mio m²). This market accordingly represented a 61 per cent share of their total sales volume, compared with 58 per cent in 2003.
Market leader Germany
As in the previous year, the market leaders were Germany with sales of 77 mio m², followed by the United Kingdom (47 mio m²), France (34 mio m²) and the Netherlands (18 mio m²). These leading markets accounted for a 70 per cent share of the entire European sales volume. And the total European laminate flooring market also showed dynamic growth of 29 mio m² in the year 2004, which the association puts down to the innovative power and excellent performance level of the laminate flooring manufacturers under the EPLF’s banner.
EPLF members' sales by region 2004(.pdf download)
Eastern Europe yielded only slight growth in 2004, with EPLF members achieving sales of 67 mio m² compared with 63 mio m² in 2003, which amounts to an increase of 6 per cent. New EU member Poland is becoming the strongest market in Eastern Europe, but two other new EU members, Hungary and the Czech Republic, along with the EU candidate Romania, are also seeing strong development .
The Asian markets were rather restrained in 2004, with total sales for the Asia-Pacific region coming to 10 mio m² (2003: 18 mio m²). However, it must be noted that sales in Turkey have been…
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