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Successful premiere

The first Asia-Pacific Sourcing trade show in Cologne for Asian home, garden and “ambience” products was a hit with exhibitors and visitors

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546 manufacturers and retail companies from 15 countries were in Cologne from 27 February to 1 March exhibiting products in the hardware/DIY, garden and “ambience” segments. The exhibitors came from all over Asia, led by companies from China (399 suppliers) and Taiwan (92), with participants ranging from firms from India, Hong Kong and Singapore to manufacturers from the Republic of Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Bangladesh.
Over 7 000 trade visitors from around 60 countries registered. Of these, 65 per cent came from abroad, mainly from neighbouring European countries and North America. States that were strongly represented included the Netherlands, the UK, Italy, Belgium, Spain, France, Austria, Switzerland and the USA and Canada. Visitors from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe were also recorded, along with some from Australia, Brazil, Morocco, New Zealand, South Africa and Tunisia.
According to a visitor survey, 21 per cent of those attending were from the retail trade, 38 per cent were engaged in the wholesale sector and foreign trade and 25 per cent came from industry. The import/export and speciality wholesale sectors were especially well represented, as were DIY and home improvement stores, the speciality retail trade and the mail-order business.
The key national and international players among the large retail groups were there, including buying commissions from Home Depot, Carrefour and Baumax, along with German sector representatives such as Obi, Hornbach, Metro/Praktiker, Rewe and Bauhaus. Buyers from the discount and mail-order organisations were also present.
Over 7 000 visitors registered during the first Asia-Pacific Sourcing in Cologne.
The suppliers took up 32 000 m² of exhibition space in halls 13.1 and 13.2, with products presented on clearly laid-out, well-organised exhibition stands. Trade visitors noted in particular the professional, visually appealing product presentation and the compactness of this new event on European soil. Products on display included building and home improvement/DIY requisites, garden equipment and lifestyle in the garden products, and a wide range of items in the categories of locks and ironmongery, table decoration and gift articles, barbecues, camping, sports and leisure. 20 different association contingents from four countries working with state or private-sector export promotion organisations were represented by exhibitor groups at the fair.
For Oliver P. Kuhrt, the managing director of Koelnmesse, Asia-Pacific…
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