The world's top 10 DIY retailers by floor space increased their retail area by a total of 20.9 per cent between 2013 and 2021. This is according to an evaluation by the editorial team of DIYinternational. At the end of 2021, the top 10 DIY companies by retail area were Home Depot (USA), Lowe's (USA), Groupe Adeo (France), Kingfisher (United Kingdom), Obi (Germany), Ace Hardware (USA), Menards (USA), Bauhaus (Germany), DCM Holdings (Japan) and Bunnings (Australia). As companies have moved up and down over the past nine years, the composition of the top 10 has shifted some at the bottom of the list.
Overall, the top 10 operators of DIY stores increased their retail space by 13.861 mio m² to 80.196 mio m² between 2013 and 2021. On average, the retail area grew by 2.4 per cent each year, with the biggest increases occurring in 2014, 2016 and 2021.
The data is based on the 2012 to 2022 editions of the Home Improvement Retail Europe Statistics. These provide current figures, statistics and analyses for the DIY sector in Europe, specifically key figures of the DIY operators in 31 countries: number of stores, retail areas, economic framework data and 10-year trend of the DIY operators.