Topical DIY report


Publication of Fediyma's World DIY Report 2004

Fediyma, the European manufacturers' umbrella organisation, has published its World DIY Report 2004. The updated study presents the data supplied by the major retail groups around the world country by country. For the year 2003 the new report reveals a worldwide sales volume of € 375 bn. North America and Europe account for 90 per cent of the world market. At a total of € 204 bn, North America represents 58 per cent of the world market. A sales volume of € 115.7 bn was established for the European Union with its 25 member states, which comes to 31 per cent of the world market.
The World DIY Report 2004 is available on CD-ROM and in English from the individual national associations or from:
Fediyma61, rue de l’Arcade75008 ParisFrancePhone. +33/1/53 42 36 42Fax      +33/1/42 93 26
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