First half of 2019

Plus for the DIY and hardware trade in Spain


The DIY store and hardware trade in Spain grew by 5.09 per cent in the second quarter of 2019. An increase of this high amount is owed to the development of the DIY stores. Their sales lay at 7.09 per cent over the comparable previous year's value. In contrast, the traditional specialist trade grew by only 1.42 per cent. These figures have been published by the trade association AECOC (Asociación de Empresas de Gran Consumo) and the association of manufacturers AFEB (Asociación de Fabricantes de Bricolaje y Ferretería).
When compared to the first quarter of 2019, the relative weakness of the specialist trade is immediately noticeable. In the first three months it had still grown by 4.81 per cent. The plus by the DIY stores at 8.11 per cent however was almost twice as much even then. Overall, growth in the first quarter amounted to 6.87 per cent.
However the development of manufacturers went very much differently than for trade. They made 4.20 per cent less than in the same quarter last year. Business with traditional specialist trade went worst (-5.77 per cent). 2.59 per cent less was made through the generalists, and 1.04 per cent less through the DIY trade.
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