The heaviest losses were suffered by the garden furniture segment with a minus of 10.0 per cent. Further declining assortments were garden tools/irrigation and drainage (-3.4 per cent) as well as leisure/seasonal assortments at -2.9 per cent. Developments were positive, for example, in the product groups "other" (+3.5 per cent), technology/office/entertainment (+3.2 per cent) and household goods (+2.8 per cent).
3.37 billion francs
Sales by Swiss DIY stores stagnate in 2019
The heaviest losses were suffered by the garden furniture segment with a minus of 10.0 per cent. Further declining assortments were garden tools/irrigation and drainage (-3.4 per cent) as well as leisure/seasonal assortments at -2.9 per cent. Developments were positive, for example, in the product groups "other" (+3.5 per cent), technology/office/entertainment (+3.2 per cent) and household goods (+2.8 per cent).